Solr in Action

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SummarySolr in Action is a comprehensive guide to implementing scalable search using Apache Solr. This clearly written book walks you through well-documented examples ranging from basic keyword searching to scaling a system for billions of documents and queries. It will give you a deep understanding of how to implement core Solr capabilities.About the BookWhether you're handling big (or small) data, managing documents, or building a website, it is important to be able to quickly search through your content and discover meaning in it. Apache Solr is your tool: a ready-to-deploy, Lucene-based, open source, full-text search engine. Solr can scale across many servers to enable real-time queries and data analytics across billions of documents.Solr in Action teaches you to implement scalable search using Apache Solr. This easy-to-read guide balances conceptual discussions with practical examples to show you how to implement all of Solr's core capabilities. You'll master topics like text anal

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