App Inventor 2: Create Your Own Android Apps

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Yes, you can create your own apps for Android devices—and it’s easy to do. This extraordinary book introduces you to App Inventor 2, a powerful visual tool that lets anyone build apps. Learn App Inventor basics hands-on with step-by-step instructions for building more than a dozen fun projects, including a text answering machine app, a quiz app, and an app for finding your parked car!The second half of the book features an Inventor’s Manual to help you understand the fundamentals of app building and computer science. App Inventor 2 makes an excellent textbook for beginners and experienced developers alike.Use programming blocks to build apps—like working on a puzzleCreate custom multi-media quizzes and study guidesDesign games and other apps with 2D graphics and animationMake a custom tour of your city, school, or workplaceControl a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT robot with your phoneBuild location-aware apps by working with your phone’s sensorsExplore apps that incorporate informat

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