Attacking Network Protocols

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Attacking Network Protocols is a deep-dive into network vulnerability discovery from James Forshaw, Microsoft's top bug hunter. This comprehensive guide looks at networking from an attacker's perspective to help you find, exploit, and ultimately protect vulnerabilities.Part I starts with a rundown of networking basics and traffic capture, as it builds a foundation for analyzing a network. Part II moves on to protocol analysis, both static and dynamic; you'll learn about common protocol structures, cryptography, and protocol security, and how to reverse engineer code with IDA Pro, ILSpy, and Javasnoop. Part III focuses on finding and exploiting vulnerabilities, including an overview of common bug classes, fuzzing, debugging, exhaustion attacks, and how to develop custom tools. Forshaw ends with an overview of the best tools for analyzing and exploiting networks. By the book's end, you'll have a deep understanding of how to analyze network communication and where to look for vulnerabilit

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